Episode 60: The Wesleyan Quadrilateral (Part 2)

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In this episode we will continue to discuss the crisis of biblical authority in the broader methodist movement. This time we will actually talk about the Wesleyan Quadrilateral. We will begin by defining the Quadrilateral and then discuss what is good about it and what is dangerous about it. One very interesting thing to note is how Albert Outler regretted coining the term in the first place. We will discuss how the Quadrilateral can both lead people into error and heresy if it is understood incorrectly and how it could protect us from error and heresy if it is understood correctly. We will then discuss what early Methodist views were regarding the authority, inerrancy, and inspiration of Scripture. We will conclude this episode discussing what the International Fellowship of Bible Churches (IFBC) statement of faith is regarding the authority and inerrancy of Scripture. For more information about the IFBC see the link below.


The Wesleyan Quadrilateral (Theopedia)

The International Fellowship of Bible Churches (IFBC)

*Note that Ben and Vin are ordained Elders in the IFBC and serve as pastors in an IFBC Church Plant in Connecticut.


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