Episode #11: Arminius and Total Depravity



Episode #11: Arminius and Total Depravity

ReleasedJan 10, 2017

Happy New Year! We will start off this episode discussing the most significant loss of 2016: Methodist Theologian Thomas C. Oden. We will briefly discuss his life and our favorite works by him. Then we will move on and talk about the views of Jacob Arminius on the doctrine of Total Depravity. There is SO MUCH false information floating around about what Arminius taught on Total Depravity. Hopefully this episode will clear up some misconceptions. We then finish the episode discussing the VERY non-Arminian theology of Philip Limborch and mourning that his theology is confused with the theology of Arminius. As usual, we receive help from Keith D. Stanglin, Thomas H. McCall, and Roger E. Olson.

Obituaries for Thomas Oden


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