Episode 33: Legalism (Part 1)

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In this episode we will be discussing how legalism distracts Christians from true holiness. Keeping in mind what was discussed in our last two episodes on Christian Perfection, we are going to discuss how legalism corrupts a true understanding of the doctrine of Perfect Love. But not only does legalism distract us from Perfect Love, it also leads us away from the Gospel. Of course, license or antinomianism is just as dangerous as legalism. We want to make it clear that John Wesley was not a legalist, he was concerned with the inner dispositions of the heart. Any external focus was always radically secondary to the state of the heart. We are going to jump into our discussion with a little help from Keith Drury. The article we look at is available on Seedbed.com.

Find the link below:

“Nine Steps That Allowed Legalism to Distract Us from Holiness” By Keith Drury


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