Remonstrance T-shirt Release!

The Remonstrance T-shirt store has officially launched! For all of you who pre-ordered, your shirt is waiting for you, just go to the store and place your order. For those of you that did not pre-order, there are shirts available while supplies last.

In the store you will place your order using Pay Pal. Even if you don’t have a Pay Pal account it is really easy, just follow the on-screen prompts. The shirts are $20, which includes shipping* (unless you are ordering from outside the USA, if this is the case please send us an e-mail: [email protected])

Follow this link to the store: Remonstrance T-Shirt Store

As always, thanks for supporting Wesleyan-Arminian Reformation. Below are some pictures of the shirts again for reference.

*Note: earlier today the store was charging a $5 shipping fee. That was a mistake on our part. If you paid the $5 you will be refunded when your order comes. For those of you that hesitated because of the shipping fee everything is all set now so head back over to the store and place your order.

In Christ,

The Remonstrance Team

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