August Remonstrance Update

Things are busy here at Remonstrance this month so we wanted to give a quick update to everyone about what is going on.

We have just purchased some high quality audio equipment. So the next episode of Remonstrance will be much better audio quality. We are pretty pumped about it. Check out the pics of our new studio.

Also early this month Vin is off for an intensive seminary class so we will be delaying the release of the next episodes to the end of the month. Episodes will be released on Tuesday August 22nd and Tuesday August 29th.

T-Shirt production has also begun so if you pre-ordered a shirt you will receive an e-mail when it comes in. We are planning for shirts to go on sale at the end of August.

Until later this month keep working toward Wesleyan-Arminian reformation.

In Christ,

The Remonstrance Team

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